Wednesday 17 November 2010

Journey Home


Each night I chase my journey home,
yet never find the true way there.
Sometimes I’m on a bus that stops
halfway and though I know the place,
I have no money for the fare to travel further.
Sometimes I ‘m still at school.
My pupils keep me back.
I’m grateful for their attendance but not
because they cause me to forget
the place I came from.
Sometimes I knock at unknown doors,
hoping for directions
but no-one answers.
Sometimes I’m in a place I know,
but do not know how to escape from it.
Sometimes I am at night, in frost, by stars
knowing there is a homeward way by heaven,
but that was long ago. The way
is closed, like the old midnight railway line
where mice sleep on the tracks.
My sleep is rarely comfortable,
and when I wake I ask:
is my home here,
even though I don’t know how to see it ?